Forest Fires an Act of Jihad- Fresh From ‘Inspire’, Al-Qaeda’s English Language Online Magazine

We always sort of jokingly refer to the fire season in California as just one of the 4 seasons; Earthquake, Drought, Fires followed by Flooding. But it’s no joke and it’s looking more like many of these “seasonal” fires are intentionally set by none other than our Musloid brothers encouraged by Inspire Magazine, you know from the religion of peace. Where one so inclined in reading this publication can find instructions for remote control ember bombs.

Hat-tip SisterToldJah

“Fire is a cheap, easy and effective tool for economic warfare.”

With nearly 500 hundred homes destroyed, two people dead and 40,000 people evacuated, I would say the ‘Black Forest’ fire in Colorado Springs -the worst in the history of the State, was devastating both economically and in human tragedy.

According to William Scott speaking at the Economic Super Panel, at one point last summer 52 fires were burning on Federal Lands costing taxpayers billions of dollars in the following states:  Colorado, Missouri, Idaho, South & North Dakota, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Tennessee, Nevada, Alaska, Florida, Kentucky, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, California, Minnesota and New Mexico.

Scott recommends using NASA and infrared technology to spot fires quickly, 24/7 drone monitoring to catch these fires when they start and apprehend vehicles leaving the area where they start. We have to start fighting back. This is not a land management issue. It is a national security issue. As is securing the border and more vigilant monitoring of suspicious, profiled individuals. Yes, I said it profiled individuals -not every living, breathing American citizen.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

One Response to Forest Fires an Act of Jihad- Fresh From ‘Inspire’, Al-Qaeda’s English Language Online Magazine

  1. Sandy says:

    It would probably be helpful to close our borders. It would probably be helpful to know what kind of students are coming to the US from Muslim countries. It would probably be helpful to stop the asylum program, it’s a huge scam anyway. It would probably be helpful to teach history, honestly, in all grades of school. It would probably be helpful to clean house in all departments and branches of government.