American Pravda

November 10, 2020

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures. (NOTE- travel of any kind has been severely hampered over the last year, but we hope to resume soon!).

Boys Begging For Fathers Sometimes Do Kill

October 13, 2015

Single moms who have children in their teenage years have the chips stacked against them and their children that is rarely overcome. The repeating element in all the mass shooting over the last several years, the common denominator is the lack of a strong father figure in the lives of these deprived young men. But when you pay women to poop out babies that’s what they will do, poop, poop, poop. Men have always known how to make babies, it’s instinctive, but they don’t much care to provide for them and to own up to their responsibilities. Our culture no longer values fathers doing the right thing.

This is what happens.

The left refuses to see the writing on the wall. The gun control zealots actually contribute to these killings by driving American citizens fearful of losing all gun rights to buying more and more guns, creating a greater inventory of guns to steal. Then of course with each shooting there’s the 24/7 news glorifying it to encourage the next shooter. Something’s gotta change!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? I‘ve just returned from a road-trip so Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

More Wisdom From Bill Whittle; A Case in Defense of Israel

July 26, 2014

Keep in mind as you watch this that America funds Hamas as part of the unified Palestinian government to the tune of $440 million/year. Listen carefully when you watch the mainstream news and listen to just what is being said and the unmistakeable slant in most of the reporting on the current ground & air attacks in the Gaza region as Israel is forced again to defend themselves against the pervasive, unrelenting, hate that surrounds that outpost of civilization.

Israel stand-by-israel






Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

Our Schools Have Become Places of Social Engineering & Indoctrination

February 10, 2014

“American spends more on education (nearly $13,000/student) than anyone else in the world, yet our students continue to come in 16th, 17th or 20th in worldwide rankings.”

Schools need to once again become places of learning. The solutions are simple and cheap. It only takes the will to do it.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

Not to Beat a Dead Horse, But Look What the Jury Didn’t Know

August 1, 2013

How much truth can we stand? I thought I was finished with the Trayvon Martin spectacle, but then I saw this.

Can there be justice in this country when the Attorney General (the only one in U.S. history to serve after being found in contempt of Congress); an obviously racist president and; a media so in the bag ideologically they will lie, cheat and cover for them to the extent that the meaning of journalism is dead?

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

To Celebrities & Globalist Vote-Grabbing Government Types So Enamoured With Immigration Reform (Read -Amnesty)

June 11, 2013

There is something very, very, very wrong in Washington DC ~in case you hadn’t noticed lately. Here’s Bill Whittle idea for those celebrities like Lady Gaga & Jennifer Alba who say they disdain borders & fences and seem to hate private property rights and believe people should be able to travel freely anywhere they want, have driver’s licenses and access to medical care, food stamps, welfare, in-state tuition and other benefits we American pay for.

Let’s add to these globalist vote-grabbing government types list of freedoms for illegals and get the addresses of Alba and Gaga and the gubmint men –exact street addresses so we can print posters and flyers and plaster them all over the place and invite illegal immigrants to jump their fences and help themselves to anything they want. If the globalists & Lady Gaga’s of the world are lucky these illegal immigrants will only want to feed themselves and won’t murder or rape them since they obviously don’t believe in having guns to protect themselves.

Watch the whole thing:

Just imagine for a moment if our government would actually demand that all of our illegal visitors pack up and go home within 6 months or physically deport them. Imagine if these 11 million (30 million? who really knows?) people went home and actually stood up and made their own government accountable. Accountable for the huge gap between the elite & poor, accountable for the graft and corruption. They come here because it’s the path of least resistance. Take that away and maybe enough of what makes America great (assuming there is any left any more) will have rubbed off on these people to help them hold their government accountable to their own citizens. They will never get it if they don’t work for it. Just as we certainly will lose what makes America great if we don’t fight for it!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

The Democrats Are Handing Out FREE Candy & Republicans Are Selling Vegetables

May 31, 2013

This is so true so how do we counter it? Somehow you have to make the takers that they can do better than a crappy cell phone and just enough in freebies and benefits to make it to the next election.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

North Korea Marches Ever Closer To Self-Destruction, And One Smart Man’s (no not Obama, not Hagel) Simple, Direct Solution

April 11, 2013

With tensions rising, the Virtual President discusses options as the Korean Peninsula faces the possibility of a Second Korean War.

Oh we can only wish. Instead we’ve got the rock star president going from one campaign like event to another preaching his fairness doctrine and protecting our children (gag me) while really eroding our Bill of Rights bit by bit and burning through another load of cash hosting yet another gala rock event, again at taxpayer expense.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

The Border Has To Be Secured! Do You Think The Assassinations of Prosecutors In Texas Was A Fluke?

April 4, 2013

No of course not, it’s MEXICO spilling over our borders in a steady stream -and it’s a lot more than 11 or 12 million too. No Janet, our borders are not more secure than they have ever been!

Senator John McCain claimed in 2009 that Phoenix was the #2 city for kidnappings but keep your eye on him and others in the “Gang of 8” working on immigration reform because they’re paying more attention to lobbyists like the AFL-CIO, the Chamber of Commerce and radical activist groups like La Raza than they are to the American people. Patrick Leahy has said he may allow 1 public hearing!

Judicial Watch informs us that La Raza is the public relations arms of the Mexican reconquista movement which seeks -by force or by ballot box to conquer the American Southwest -and return it to Mexico! Obama and McCain have both made high profile speeches to this Mexican group currying favor for the latino vote.

We can understand it from Obama, but you ‘d like to expect a little better treatment from McCain, he’s a Repube and represents a border state -he should know better! Of course we know what’s going on –there are fewer people working for a living than voting for a living and this is what they do to get re-elected.

This sucks. Please contact the members of the Gang of 8– because most are very willing to sell Americans down the river. Use this handy little website courtesy of Senate Conservatives to get the job done.

Senator Dick Durbin (D, IL)

Senator Robert Menendez (D, NJ)

Senator Chuck Schumer (D, NY)

Senator Michael Bennet (D, CO)

Senator Marco Rubio (R, FL)

Senator Jeff Flake (R, AZ)

Senator John McCain (R, AZ)

Senator Lindsey Graham (R, SC)

Tell them we want the process vetted on CSPAN in front of the American people -no more concocting 2000+ bills behind closed doors and shoving them down our throats! And the first priority is to SECURE THE BORDER!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

A Conscious Decision To MAKE IT HURT. Thank You Mr. President

March 17, 2013

How many hungry people could be fed with the $102,000 salary paid to the President’s dog handler? Oh, I almost forgot, there are no hungry people in America. They’re all on the SNAP program.

You think they’re aren’t better ways to administer federal spending cuts? Get this. According the Daily Caller, the total cost spent on the Obama family in 2011 (more recent figures unavailable) was $1.4 Billion. The total cost of the presidency included the “biggest staff in history at the highest wages ever, and an Air Force One running with the frequency of a scheduled airline.

We have got to start doing things differently! Support these Senate renegades, and here’s a hint.

These are contact forms and a pain in the butt, but fill in one and most likely your computer has an “auto-fill feature” so the next one will be faster & easier. Write your message to the first Senator, then copy it and paste it to the next guy on the list, making the few changes needed to personalize it. They need to hear from us and to be encouraged so Get off your butts and do it!

Sen. Ted Cruz

Sen. Marco Rubio

Sen. Paul Rand

Sen. Jeff Flake

Sen. Deb Fischer

Sen. Mike Lee

Sen. Kelly Ayotte

Sen. Tim Scott

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)