New mandatory vaccinations soon to be required by the State

December 26, 2018

They’ve been having public hearings recently about the new vaccinations that the Department of Health in the State of Hawaii will be adding in 2020 to the list of those already required.

Immunizations currently required for school attendance:

  • DTaP/DTP/Td (diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis)
  • Polio
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) (for preschool attendance)
  • Varicella (chickenpox)

Here is a very sad story of parents whose triplet babies all became autistic within hours of vaccination. Hat-tip

Those at our local hearings have been overwhelmingly opposed, but are never the less, made to feel like conspiracy theorists. Follow-up letters and articles in the newspaper have likewise attempted to make these people seem like they are crazy and the Dept. of Health is doing us and the whole world a big favor by requiring these shots. Quite disturbing is the fact that no medical doctor in America tells their patients to read the vaccine insert and take note that nearly all immunizations, including flu shots, contain aluminum.

To be added to the required mix:

  • vaccines against Hepatitis A
  • streptococcus
  • rotavirus
  • influenza

The DOE currently allows provisional entry to students without proper immunization records or exemptions, but will require students to complete their immunizations within three months or risk being removed from school.

Is your quality of life better or worse as the power of the federal government continues to grow? Help join the cause, the national grassroots movement to bring power back from Washington D.C. to the individual states and our communities as it was intended by our founders. Go to:  Convention of

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

Everyone happy about the elections? No? No wonder.

November 7, 2018

Are we ever really happy about elections? Well a lot of us were happy about the election results in 2016 because we dodged a bullet named Hillary. But here’s the sad truth about elections.

Get this through your head:  Congress will NEVER vote to reduce their power or their spending.

Go to and find out how we can achieve that without the consent of Congress. It takes 34 states to pass the Convention of States Resolution in their State House & Senate to trigger the convention. We already have 12 states that have done so. Help us get to 34!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

Watch This Video ~Then Help It Go Viral By Passing It On

November 5, 2017

Convention of States is a way in the Constitution to actually rein in the federal government. Most people don’t know but the Founders on the very last day of the Constitutional Convention added a second way to amend the Constitution, and by a unanimous vote! This 2nd manner of amending the Constitution is left up to the various State Legislatures. Congress has nothing to do with it. It’s never been done before, but now is the time!

Please watch this video to understand how it works, then pass it on to everyone on your lists. Make this video go viral! We need a groundswell of grassroots support to make this work. Twelve states have already passed it:  Georgia, Alaska, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Indiana, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arizona, North Dakota, Texas and Missouri. Find your states’s website and get involved!

Go to Convention of States, sign the petition and get on board!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

This Is Why We Need Term Limits

October 17, 2017

It’s as plain as the nose on your face:  we need term limits! But here’s the rub. Congress will never vote to limit themselves or their power. That too is crystal clear. This is why we need a Convention of States whose focus is limited to these items and these alone:

  • imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government
  • limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government
  • limiting the terms of office for federal officials and for members of Congress

And here are just a few illustrations why this is so badly needed. It’s dang hard to find either the House or Senate actually in session more than 2-3 days a week and Congress is loaded up with too many old farts, many of whom are sick, near death or have Alzheimer’s Disease. I’m not kidding!

This from Breitbart:

  • Sen. Thad Cochran’s office announced Monday that it his “intention to return to the Senate when his health permits.” Cochran is 79 and would have lost the last election but was propped up by Senate Majority Leader McConnell.
  • Sen. John McCain has an inoperable brain tumor. He is 81 and will die before his term expires yet he insists on staying to gum up the works as he did on the recent repeal vote on Obamacare.
  • Orrin Hatch of Utah is 83 and can’t seem to call it quits.
  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein plans to run again and will be 91 at the end of her term if she wins reelection.
  • Sen. Johnny Isakson, 72, was away for two back surgeries early in 2017, two years after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
  • Sen. Chuck Grassley is 84 years old
  • Sen. Richard Shelby is 83
  • Sen.Jim Inhofe is 82
  • Sen. Pat Roberts is 81
  • Sen. Barbara is 81 -and a whole slew of them are in their upper 70s.

And that’s only the Senate! Let’s be honest. Not being ageist or anything but really. Think of your own parents or yourselves if you’re up there in age. How sharp are these people? And wouldn’t they enjoy doing something else (anything else!) besides sitting around micro-managing our lives and running up the national debt?

Go to and help us bring power back from Washington DC (District of Corruption!).

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

Senator Tom Coburn on How To Repeal Obamacare Without Congress

July 22, 2017

Former Senator Tom Coburn is the guy who used to put out the book on government waste all the time, or at least until he retired in 2015. He left Congress because he could see it was a hopeless cause. The October 2014 version of his waste report revealed an $856,000 grant to train mountain lions to walk on treadmills, $414,000 spent on an Army video game designed for recruitment purposes that was already more than $25 million over budget, and $46,000 for a snowmobile competition in Michigan.

Senator Coburn is now a champion for Convention of States. In this video he explains how we, the American people can get rid of Obamacare without Congress. Give it a look. It’s a little long, but just put it on while you’re busy at your desk or in the kitchen.

Go to Convention of States to learn more, sign the petition and get involved!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

What The Hell Happened to The 10th Amendment?

July 31, 2016

This story from Activist Post, but first we need a primer if you will (thank you Revolutionary War & Beyond) on the 10th Amendment.

The 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution is a guarantee of States’ rights. The Constitution designed the federal government to be a government of limited and enumerated, or listed, powers. This means that the federal government only has powers over the things that are specifically given to it in the Constitution. All other powers are reserved to the States. The 10th Amendment in the Bill of Rights reads like this:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

By Heather Callaghan for Activist Post:

We regret to inform you that President Barack Obama signed into law, S. 764, which was the newest manifestation of the DARK Act (Denying Americans the Right to Know).

GMO TomatoThe DARK Acts were a way to establish federal labeling – i.e. the lack of GM labeling – and would banish all state labeling initiatives under a federal standard. A brief press release by the White House simply mentioned a list of bills and S. 764, “which directs the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a national mandatory bioengineered food disclosure standard,” was listed at the end. The “disclosure standard” must be an inside joke, because the disclosure involves the consumer having to scan a QR code on a food product to find out about genetically modified ingredients, or call a 1-800 number. These measures might not even happen for another five years.

The federal measure authored by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and fast-tracked by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (no committee, no debate) has now quelled all state efforts for clear text labeling of genetically modified organisms in food. This writer wonders whether the state labeling initiatives purposely held off their labeling efforts until 2018 – 2016 at the earliest – in anticipation of this federal measure. After all, the Senators receive millions from Big Agri.Read about the tricky business involved in ramming this measure through.

All I want to know is what the hell happened to a limited federal government and states’ rights? If you would like to be a part of taking power away from the federal government, go to Convention of States and volunteer!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

Do You Believe Washington DC Is Disfunctional? . . . . . Hail Yes! A Hundred Percent.

February 1, 2016

Who could argue this? Okay maybe some of the mental giants feeling the Bern for Bernie the socialist, Sanders, but a normal thinking human being cannot deny it. Washington has been broken for years, but the funny thing is the Founders anticipated this and gave us an out.

This out is contained in the Constitution under Article V.  This provision of the Constitution provides for the methods of amending the Constitution. The important part for the purpose of limiting the Federal Government (making it functional again) I like to call ‘Part B’ of Article 5. Part A requires two thirds of both houses of Congress to propose amendments, but we all know Congress is never going to limit themselves. Article 5, Part B lets the States do it.

The Founders feared more than anything else an over-powerful, centralized Federal Govt and so left Part B to us. That’s the part where the State Legislatures get to decide to amend the Constitution. Congress doesn’t get to take part. It’s up to the States and the people of the states. Join the movement here today!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

If Our Republic Fails This Will Be The Reason: We Live by the “The Rule of the Rulers Instead of the Rule of Law”

March 5, 2015

Every republics in the past has failed for the same reason. The Founders knew that this was likely to happen. That’s what The Federalist Papers was all about. That’s why they gave us in the Constitution a way to fix this. A way to limit the scope and jurisdiction of the Federal Government.

Go to the Convention of States website to learn more. Sign up for their email newsletter and volunteer!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

Are You In Favor of a Balanced Budget Amendment? Term Limits? . . . . Then You’re In Favor of The Convention of States

November 21, 2014

Raise your hand if you think Congress is ever going to pass term limits. Yes, the same Congress that has for the last 6 years 100 years sat back while the progressives (affectionately knows as the ‘progs’) have systematically destroyed our country. Congress is not going to do anything to limit the growth of government. Nor are they ever going to reign in federal spending or federal over-reach, or the illegitimate 4th branch of government (the unelected federal bureaucracy).

Our founders, the mostly chubby, old and yes -white guys (get over it!) with funny hairdos purposefully wrote into the US Constitution (2 weeks before the end of the Constitutional Convention spearheaded by George Mason) a provision specifically giving ‘We the People’ a way to overcome a tyrannical federal government.

So even if you don’t know it, if you are in favor of term limits and a balanced budget amendment you are in favor of an Article V Convention of States. Give it a look.

Given the public’s discontent with both parties in Washington and how it works, (think Gruber); for themselves and against the People, and given the ground-swell of conservatives recently elected (governors, Congressmen & Senators) the momentum is with us. Learn more about it and sign up to volunteer at

The governors do not have to approve of the applications and once 34 applications are received Congress cannot stop the convention and has NO SAY in how it is run, the amendments put forth or anything else. But do be assured they will fight it and try to demonize it because it puts them on notice “We the People” are not going to take it any more! Florida, Georgia & Alaska have already passed the Convention of States application in their legislatures. 3 down, 31 to go!

Remember, as government grows the stature of the citizens is diminished.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.