Bad hair day

I recall Sully (my father), once saying “you can’t not travel just because you won’t be able to sleep in your own bed”, and it’s true. But I’m not gonna lie, after 3 weeks on the road, our good old familiar bed at home is gonna be appreciated.

Nevertheless you have try out new things, new foods and new customs otherwise, what’s the point of leaving home? For example, one of the best haircuts I ever had was one I got in Italy. I loved that cut and ever since I’ve braved hairdressers in several locations where we’ve traveled.

But admittedly after Italy, it’s been pretty much downhill. I got a perm one time in Buenos Aires that looked great right afterwards, but one shampoo later you’d have to call it a temporary because there was no curl left! But I remain undeterred. Plus, haircuts in Hawaii since the Scam-demic are running between $40-50 unbelievable as that sounds.

We both got haircuts just before we left home but after three weeks I was ready for a trim. With that in mind I decided to get a haircut here in Portugal. I wrote out exactly what I wanted using my trusty English to Portuguese language app. The thrust of my instructions to the hairdresser was to be “not too short” please.

So we wandered around our locale and found a few hair salons, but every one was either not open or they didn’t have any openings. One referred me to a nearby Barber Shop so I figured maybe that was a thing here, you know the ‘unisex’ craze, so braved it. “Trim” is a hard thing to convey to any hairdresser as the scissors fly, but it’s especially challenging in a foreign language.

In hindsight it was probably not such a good idea, but no risk, no reward so I went for it. Oh well, it’s only hair and it will grow back. And at only 8€ (under $10), it saves me from a very expensive haircut until several weeks after we get home.

Aloha, Mikie

(just a blogger, fighting like a girl)

2 Responses to Bad hair day

  1. Sandi Dutra says:

    Oh dear! Glad hair grows fast 🥰. Love reading about all your adventures and great pictures. Thank you so much for including me.

  2. Anonymous says:

    A baseball cap will fix it!