Another Koran-Sworn In Public Official

May 18, 2016

That’s right, Sadiq Khan the newly elected Mayor of London is a practicing Muslim with extremist Islamic ties who has called modest Muslims “Uncle Toms” (hat-tip Another first but not the last.

I’ve done the math before on this. The birthrate among Muslims is about six times that of western countries. Arab is the fastest growing language on American universities and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Muhammad is the number one name chosen for boy babies in the UK and they’ll soon be living under Sharia law.

Sadiq Khan according to Breitbart was the lawyer in 2001 for the Nation of Islam in its successful High Court bid to overturn the 15-year-ban on its leader, Louis Farrakhan. He  also campaigned for the release and repatriation of Shaker Aamer, Britain’s last Guantanamo detainee, who was returned to the UK in November. He has blamed the 7/7 bus and Underground attacks that killed 52 people on British foreign policy. Here’s more:

Time will tell.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

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