Lie, Cheat And Misrepresent; It’s What They (MSM) Does Best

The mainstream media slime. Lie, cheat & misrepresent.

  • CBS’s Dan Rather canned for lying about doctored documents claiming Bush went AWOL from the Air Nat’l Guard
  • The Ft. Hood terrorist massacre called “Work Place Violence” to downplay that the US Army officer was an Islamic Jihadist
  • The NY Times clears quotes & story lines with the White House before printing the story
  • The ACORN scandal reluctantly covered by MSM after multiple undercover video tapes exposed the truth
  • The National Enquirer broke the John Edwards scandal as MSM ignored that this darling Presidential candidate was not ‘perfection personified’
  • NBC altered the George Zimmerman 911 tapes and lied about his race
  • NBC removed “Under God” in Pledge at US Open
  • NBC censored the televised Olympic Opening Ceremony deleting a 6-minute tribute to London’s terror victims
  • The left and MSM keeps up the ‘oh so important’ Romney tax bullcrap. How about the tax billions owed by federal employees?

Now CNN & Time Magazine have suspended Fareed Zakaria 30 days for plagiarism (Is this high school??). Of course he admitted it after he got caught, and then apologized. At Yale where Zakaria is a trustee according to HuffPo, students are expelled for plagiarism.

As a journalist, your word and your integrity used to be all you had. How do CNN & Time get away with the thirty-day detention thing? You think this Zakaria clown nicks himself as he shaves in the morning? NOT!

And what was the Zakaria liar writing about that was so important he felt the need to borrow someone else’s work? Gun control. Let’s see who else do we know who’s told a lie or two about gun control?

Why that would be the highest attorney of the land, Eric Holder (first ever DOJ head held in Contempt by Congress).  Holder finds it difficult to come clean on Fast & Furious due to his long-held beliefs regarding the Second Amendment and the right of citizens to bear arms.

I can hardly wait to see the Paul Ryan treatment (there goes granny off a cliff) by the Main Stream Media regardless of the fact that Obamacare guts $700 Billion from Medicare.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

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