Why Voter ID Laws Are NOT Racist & Those Who Say It Is ARE!

August 25, 2013

If you haven’t done all these things requiring a photo ID, you’ve certainly done most of them, but General Colin Powell opines that the new voter ID law in North Carolina is racist and punishing for minorities.

“You can say what you like, but there is no voter fraud. How can it be widespread and undetected?”

This from an educated (but not very honest) man who served this country honorably in the military for many years. Some people are so racist they cannot reason with logic and honesty when it comes to something a simple and straightforward as requiring a photo ID to vote. Unfortunately Powell shares the stage in this dishonesty with the likes of Obama, Eric Holder, the ACLU and the NAACP, Jesse Hi-Jackson, Al -Not-so Sharpton and many others.

Here’s my point (hat-tip from Mark Levin’s FREE podcast). The Washington Examiner has compiled a lengthy list of things requiring a photo ID:

  1. Buying alcohol
  2. Buying cigarettes
  3. Opening a bank account

    Sorry -ID required

    Sorry -ID required

  4. Cashing a check
  5. Applying for food stamps
  6. Applying for welfare
  7. Applying for Medicare & Social Security
  8. Applying for employment
  9. Applying for unemployment
  10. Applying for a mortgage
  11. Renting a house or apartment
  12. Drive or buy a car
  13. Get on an airplane
  14. Get married
  15. Buy a gun
  16. Adopt a pet
  17. Apply for a hunting license
  18. Apply for a fishing license
  19. Buy a cell phone
  20. Visit a casino
  21. Pick-up a prescription
  22. Hold a rally or protest
  23. Donate blood
  24. Buy an “M” rated movie
  25. Purchase nail polish at CVS
  26. Purchase certain cold medicines

But somehow it’s racist to require a photo ID to vote? Gimme a break.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)