Our President Is Insane! He & Those Around Him Would Rather We Die At Terrorist Hands Than Appear To Profile Islamic Groups

December 11, 2015

My computer died & the new replacement continually crashed, so I’m back to square one blogging on my tablet but I just have to get this out.

Philip Haney a whistleblower from Homeland Security (DHS, the same group with 72 employees on the federal “No Fly” list, I’m not making this stuff up!) -the mega federal agency costing billions of dollars specifically set up to keep our homeland and us safe, shared that he could have likely prevented the San Bernardino TERRORIST ATTACK (in your face Ovomit) if his year long investigation had not been labeled profiling and shut down. Take a look.

I know people have been vilified for accusing Obama of having Islamic leanings, but someone please tell me what else could be said when the civil rights of ISLAMIC TERRORISTS are more important than our own national security? I mean it took him 5 days to actually admit San Bernardino was a TERRORIST ATTACK and not “workplace violence” for cripes sake, but I guess that’s an improvement over the SIX YEARS it took to call the Fort Hood tragedyTERRORIST ATTACK.

If he’s not a radical Muslim himself, he should become one because he continually scores more for their side than ours (think Bowes Bergdahl). Call me a hater and a racist, but we should have impeached this imposter years ago! A lot more people would still be alive if we had. Just sayin’.

Oh and by the way, Loretta Lynch the bit*h attorney general has nothing better to do after the TERRORIST ATTACK in San Bernardino than threaten to prosecute those who use anti-Muslim speech. I say bring it on!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

Gee, I Wanna A ‘Fiancé Visa’ So I Can Be Thoroughly Vetted By DHS And Commit Jihad For ISIS!

December 4, 2015
Shifty eyes and all

Shifty eyes and all

This stinks to high heaven folks. (Am I even allowed to make a Christian reference to that place where we hope to go when we die???) TS, I don’t care!

All we’ve heard since the terrorist attacks in Paris has been Obama and the libtards telling us how closely they would vet thousands of Syrian refugees before depositing them into our communities. It’s a very thorough process and it takes 1-2 years, bla-bla-bla.

Well I guess it’s not so thorough or foolproof is it? Tashfeen Malik, 27, had a Pakistani passport and came to the U.S. on a fiancé visa, whatever the hell that is. The other shooter, Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, is the son of Pakistani immigrants. This kinda blows the thorough vetting process idea being foisted on all of us. Sorry Obama it’s true! Sorry Governor Ige, it is true that a large percentage of people from these Mid-East Muslim countries are willing to cut our heads off or fill us full of lead in the name of Allah.

And another pisser . . . . why the hell does it take them so long to call it what it is? It’s terrorism, not workplace violence already. And what about the NSA? Farook baby had traveled to Saudi Arabia (one of our staunch allies in the area -NOT!) more than a couple times and had been in touch with with people being investigated by the FBI for international terrorism. So WTF NSA, you’re collecting all our phone calls and emails contrary to our 4th Amendment rights, but you missed another real terrorist right under your noses and at least 14 people are dead because of it.

Why have we seen no pictures of Malik? Glenn Beck opines “if they have pictures of her in the burqa, it leads me to believe that they don’t want to release it because they don’t want to make people think, ‘Oh, well, it’s a Muslim thing.’”

Sorry boss, it is a Muslim thing and the sooner we all get that through our heads and forget the phony “common sense gun laws” mantra, the safer we’ll be!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? I‘ve just returned from a road-trip so Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.