Million Muppet March Planned To Save Big Bird’s Federal Funding

October 14, 2012

Let me remind you of the parting rant from Greg Smith, the Goldman Sachs executive who said he was sick of hearing customers referred to as Muppets; suckers to be fleeced by the big banks and hedge funds like Goldman where he had been for 12 years.

Now a new & different muppet protest is in the offing. After Romney cleaned NObama’s clock, apparently Sesame Street fans (not unlike Planned Parenthood fans) are aghast at the thought of losing the federal cheese, so a Hollywood animation exec and an Idaho student are planning a Million Muppet March for November 3rd at the National Mall in Washington DC three days before the election.

Me, I sorta agree with my friend Bob:

Ladies and gentlemen, we have got to cut the wheat from the chaff here. We need to do a HELL of a lot of cutting in the way of PC bull-crap, spending and government reform as soon as Romney/Ryan get there and we’re all gonna feel it or it’s won’t have been enough!

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)