Good Advice: Never Eat Your Seed Crop

May 20, 2016

Learning through humor is always effective. Take a minute to glean the wisdom from one of my favorite humorists:  Sunny Lohmann of House of Sunny TV.

Take that Bernie and all you mindless simps populating our colleges & universities who today support a socialism you don’t understand. Here’s an idea. After Killary becomes the Democratic (I know, it’s almost the same as socialist) nominee, all of you who are pissed off and would never vote for her, can vote for Trump and save us all from that first woman president.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

This Should Chill You TO THE BONE!

September 19, 2012

Obama flag now available!

Hat-tip Tane!

Shocking is all I can say! If you’d like to order your own Obama flag you can do it right here! Or be the first in your neighborhood to donate just $1000 to Obama’s reelection (whether you live in Chicago, Libya, Egypt, Pakistan or Afghanistan) to get yours free!

Limited supply so don’t delay. Operators standing by now. (kidding, kidding on the donation part, but who could put it past him?)

Where else have we ever seen this display, this hunger for power, this self-idolatry?

Oh, let’s see maybe the old USSR, or Cuba or maybe Venezuela? Hugo & Barry are pals from way back. In fact, I think it was Hugo who gave Obama this great marketing idea.


Fidel Castro

