Food For Thought While We Wring Our Hands Over DACA

September 6, 2017

Lots of distraction these days. Hurricane Harvey has been taken off the front page by category 5 Irma, where by the way U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp signed an emergency order allowing the seizure of private guns, ammunition, explosives and property the National Guard may need to respond to Hurricane Irma.

Wow. Never let a crisis go to waste. This also happened during Hurricane Katrina and it did not end well. Thankfully the NRA has threatened to sue if they don’t back off.

After the gun grab during Katrina Congress later passed the 2006 Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act, which was meant to prohibit future confiscation of weapons during an emergency, but the progs never give up on disarming us.

Sorry, I got distracted. What I meant to talk about today was the danger of an EMP attack by Iran or North Korea. Ryan Mauro of Clarion Project talks about it here:

Keep your eye on the ball folks ~but which one? Scary.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

More Lies From The Left Trying To Disarm Americans

January 30, 2016

Hillary Rotten Clinton thinks that Australia’s gun control measures were thoughtful and she would consider adopting them for America. Australia’s measures amounted to confiscating private law-abiding citizens’ guns (as did the Mayor of New Orleans did during hurricane Katrina BTW).

President Obama, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley & Killery repeatedly lie about the “gun-show loophole”. It’s total and complete bullkrap! Here are some more lies from the Dems as they do everything they can to strip of us (infringe upon, as it were) our Constitutional rights.

People don’t be lazy on this. Once the 2nd Amendment is gone, all the rest will follow.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

~Psst, tired of politics? Check out Travel in the Categories drop down menu (right side panel) for my blogs posted from interesting locations during my travel adventures.

Guns & Ammo Confiscated from Evacuated Homes During Flooding in Alberta, Canada

June 30, 2013

While the mice are away the cat will play? The Royal Canadian Mounted Police used the flooding and evacuation as a convenient excuse to round up legally owned, private citizens’ guns (hat-tip The Blaze) in Alberta, Canada where recent high water and flooding forced owners from their properties.

Homes under water

Homes under water

One business owner was ticked off and rightly so.

“Now what they’re doing is looking for firearms and ammunition.  How do they have the right to do that? What does that have to do with the disaster?  …This is martial law.  What has happened to our country?”

Reminds me of Hurricane Katrina in September of 2005 where New Orleans PD and the US Army National Guard, along with US Marshals confiscated all civilian-held firearms. It took the NRA & the Second Amendment Foundation filing suit some 7 months later to get the City of New Orleans even to admit they had seized weapons.

And what about Watertown, MASS? After the Boston Marathon bombings heavily armed goon squads went door to door yanking US citizens out of their homes at gun point and openly confiscated lawfully owned firearms from its residents.

Searching for bombers is one thing; door to door harassment and gun confiscation is quite another

Searching for bombers is one thing; door to door harassment and gun confiscation from citizen is quite another whether it occurs here or Canada.

This is why we have to stand firm every time, every issue and every excuse they use to treat US citizens like outlaws and confiscate lawfully owned weapons. This would be a good time to join the NRA. They’re fighting for our 2nd Amendments rights.

Aloha, Mikie ~just a blogger (fightin’ like a girl)

Dodge & Parry; Go Around Congress To Get What You Want

February 10, 2011

As we have learned, this administration is fairly deft at getting what they want even if Congress, the Supreme Court and ‘We The People’ say differently.

Our 2nd amendment rights are being threatened as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that the

“Obama Administration will be working hand-in-glove with the United Nations to pass a new “Small Arms Treaty.”

This is naturally couched in terms of fighting terrorism, insurgency, and international crime syndicates (get a clue– secure the border and start profiling those you know are likely to be terrorists!), but it’s really a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.

What do you think Ted would have say about ‘Hil’s idea? This Small Arms Treaty will enact tougher licensing requirements (duplication, added cost and paperwork), confiscate & destroy all unauthorized firearms and create an international registry. Our only hope is to stop it in the Senate because the President will never veto this.

According to the Washington Times, he has already by executive order, banned the re-importation of American made M-1 Garand and Carbine rifles used during the Korean War and stored in South Korea. These are considered antique, collector rifles and popular with history buffs and the Civilian Marksmanship Program which has bought them to teach kids about shooting, history and gun safety.

Lest you think this is overblown and unimportant, don’t forget during Hurricane Katrina law enforcement officials went door to door confiscating privately owned, legally registered guns from the public.

Attorney General Eric Holder has said he does not believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. What about you? Take this USA Today pole.

Aloha, Mikie

Gun Confiscation Coming to a City Near You

December 11, 2010

Most Americans do not know that during hurricane Katrina the government in the form of police and National Guard went armed, house to house forcing people from their homes and confiscated all firearms.

Please click here to vote in the USA Today poll:  Yes or No. Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms? You bet your bootie it does and you better be willing to stand up for that right or lose it.

As I learned on Hawaii Free Press recently, a local group, Hawaii Concealed Carry, was formed this year to promote the safe and responsible bearing of firearms, working to assist in the restoration and exercise of their fundamental right to keep and bear arms. Hawaii residents are encouraged to apply to their local County Police departments for a permit to carry a firearm, openly or concealed, for the purpose of protecting yourself and your family. See pages 2 &3 of the Request Guide for the application requirements. Other states need to do likewise. Contact the National Rifle Association for more information.

Did you see the rioting in the streets in London earlier this week? You think this only happens in Greece, Ireland and London, England? Or that it can’t happen here in America? You’re wrong. Things are coming unglued. People who have been promised and given so much by the government for so long turn ugly when the government finally says,

“You know what? We can’t keep doing this. We’re out of money. The revenues coming in no longer cover what we have promised to give you. You are going to have pay and benefit cuts, you must contribute to your pensions and health care, and you can’t retire at 55. Tuition in state schools will go up. To receive welfare benefits you may have to show up and do volunteer or community work -pick up trash, man after school programs, drive the elderly to medical appointments.”

Etc, etc, etc. It’s called chickens coming home to roost. But it ain’t gonna be pretty.

Aloha, Mikie